CBD Oil For Social Anxiety And The Endo-Cannabinoid System Of The Human Body & Mammals

Every mammal including humans have an existing threshold of anxiety built-in to their body in the form of “fight or flight.” Inside the body are nerve impulses from the sensory organs that are sent to the brain whenever something adverse happens to indicate a fear, a difficult situation or a critical condition – and in return, the brain sends the signal back as to how the body will react. During a crisis our heart rate increases, our blood pressure rises, blood glucose increases, eyes dilate and air flow gets constricted to provide oxygen to the muscles. Further, stress hormones like adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol and 40 other hormones enhance our speed, agility and bodily reflexes. In times of emergency, that extra edge of anxiety can allow us to escape what the brain perceives as impending doom.

However, when present in excess, anxiety can be extremely detrimental for human health both mentally and physically. The normal reaction to anxiety is to tense up and remain alert. But when the body constantly switches on the "fight or flight" response for no apparent reason, this can indicate a psychiatric disorder or anxiety. Anxiety can come in many forms and happen for a variety of reasons both emotional and physical. But anxiety can indicate signs of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), panic attacks, OCD and many other complex bodily responses such as sweating, shaking or hyperventilating can occur during an attack.

That is where CBD oil and the endo-cannabinoid system of our human body could play a role in managing these issues when they arise. A healthy endo-cannabinoid system can send the right chemical signals to combat unnecessary anxiety when these attacks happen. When an anxiety attack happens some people take a half a syringe of their favorite CBD oil and notice a relaxed sensation about a half an hour later. (See full disclaimer below this article) Note: CBD is not a cure or treatment for anxiety.

What Is The Endo-Cannabinoid System? Or ECS For Short!

The endo-cannabinoid system or ECS is a biological system that helps maintain a sense of peaceful harmony, or in medical terms, "homeostasis." The ECS is in all major body systems: the central nervous system including the brain, the peripheral nervous system, the digestive organs and other organs as well as, the tissues.

Here is a better explanation from wikipedia.org/:

”The endocannabinoid system is involved in regulating a variety of physiological and cognitive processes including fertility, pregnancy, during pre- and postnataldevelopment, appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory, and in mediating the pharmacological effects of cannabis.”

The ECS is made up of endo-cannabinoid receptors.  Flowing through these receptors are neurochemicals that are endogenous (manufactured in the human body) called “endo-cannabinoids” such as, anandamide (ananda is Sanskrit for the word “bliss”). There is an abundance of “phyto-cannabinoids” very similar in chemical composition to the endo-cannabinoids of the body and also found throughout the plant kingdom such as in: cacao which stimulates the production of anandamide in the body and precursors to anandamide like black truffles (anandamide); black pepper (rich in beta-caryophyllene terpenes); echinacea purple cone flowers (rich in N-alkyl amides); kava (rich in kavalactones); human breast milk (rich in CBD - cannabidiol) and cannabis (which is full of over 120 cannabinoids including THC and CBD).

These lipid-based cannabinoids in nature, when eaten, feed the ECS to assist in modulating and binding with the ECS receptors while continually striving towards restoring a balanced functioning. CBD hemp oil elevates "anandamide" without actually binding to the cannabinoid receptors in the ECS as does it’s cousin THC, according to medical studies. The omega 6 fatty acids found in hemp further assist anandamide’s ability to assimulate into the body. So anandamide is a neurotransmitter that is produced by the brain with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties. Anandamide binds to the CB1 receptors in the brain in a similar manner as does THC. And anandamide creating compounds, when consumed in foods including CBD oil can improve anandamide levels in the body, giving off a feeling of bliss, peace and tranquility in some cases. There are people who have an excess of “anandamide” in their system and more ananadamide could make their symptoms worse quite possibly. So it’s always smart to tell your doctor if you are trying something new or all natural such as CBD oil.

How Does CBD Function With The ECS?

It is said that the cannabinoid CBD does not actually bind to the receptors in the brain, CB1 or CB2, but it indirectly modulates these receptors and directly influences other receptors in the brain in ways science is just beginning to understand. This is done through a phenomena called the “entourage effect” where a combination of chemical reactions take place in the body’s endo-cannabinoid system to establish this state of nirvana when the right combination of cannabinoids are present.

However, CTFO CBD products are non-psychoactive in nature, which means they do not create the “high” usually associated with cannabis. Instead, they are organically extracted, highly nutritious, and high in cannabinoids including CBD cannabidiol, which studies indicate helps in calming down the nerve centers, pain centers and can improve mood. CBD is not habit forming or addictive and CBD oil is not a drug but instead is considered a safe super-food in holistic circles. If you're looking for a safe nutritional approach to health, CBD is a great source of plant based protein with a full protein profile; with all the amino acids; omega fatty acids 3 - 6 - 9; vitamins and minerals (including vitamin A - B - C - D & E); 75 terpenes; 120 cannabinoids; flavonoids and enzymes. CBD hemp oil is one of the most nutritious foods in the world.

How Does CBD Oil Help Fight Anxiety?

CBD oils by CTFO could provide the additional cannabinoids needed to calm down frazzled nerves and exhaustion associated with constant anxiety. CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain become modulated indirectly by CBD and other receptors of the brain are activated after taking CBD oil, which can reduce the tendency for irrational fear where people tend to over-think things and stress over memories triggered by trauma from the past or fantasize about unknown fears that haven’t materialized yet. The brain can receive these phyto-cannabinoids in the CBD because cannabidiol has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and influence the brain by communicating with the brain’s neuron receptors neurochemically. And it is a school of thought by cannabis researchers that neurons need the right cannabinoid chemicals to interact with the neurons with precision, much like a key (the cannabinoid) fits into a lock (at the cannabinoid receptor site). Neurons are all fitted with cannabinoid receptor sites and each cannabinoid compound has a specific unique shape where it actually attaches to receiving receptors in this manner - this happens when neurons fire and exchange these compounds.

It is also believed that CBD is non-psychoactive because CBD doesn’t bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors like THC does. According to early studies, CBD can react with well known non-cannabinoid opioid receptors in the brain that are responsible for regulating pain too. CBD can also work on dopamine receptors originating in the brain. And the neurotransmitter dopamine’s receptors help to regulate behavior and cognition which includes motivation and reward seeking behavior. Dopamine is the “pleasure” chemical put out by the brain. But these are all preliminary findings where CBD is concerned. More studies on human models regarding cannabis and mental health issues are needed.

CBD is not a medicine. So always consult with your health care provider if you have concerns about your own health and CBD.

How Safe Is CBD Oil For Anxiety?

It depends on who you ask. CBD might work for one person with anxiety or it could make matters worse in cases such as schizophrenia where the brain already manages an excess of anandamide flow. However, many people do experience relief with the use of CBD for anxiety and the decision is a personal one between you and your practitioner.

Mental issues are still a stigma in many parts of the our modern society. It is hard to live with conditions like anxiety. And it is even harder to make others understand what you are going through.

So review all of your options before you rule out CBD as a possible addition to your healthy lifestyle.



Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of CTFO CBD hemp oil products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always check with your physician before starting a new dietary supplement program. The Cannabidiol (CBD) in CTFO CBD is a natural constituent of industrial hemp plant and legally grown in Kentucky. CTFO CBD does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US CSA). Since our suppliers provide us with CBD (cannabidiol) extract hemp oil from domestic Industrial Hemp with 0.3% or less of the natural THC component, the DEA’s December 13, 2016 Amended Rule does not impair the selling of our CBD Extract. 

Safety Information:

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • This product is not meant for individuals with a history of heart conditions.
  • Do not take if pregnant or nursing.
  • Consult your physician before starting a new dietary supplement.

Cynthia Trethewey is the author of this article on CTFO CBD Oil. Find more information, about CTFO CBD.